Muslim Voices of Philadelphia Vol. 6

Produced by: 
Scribe Video Center and Various Community Organizations

Precious Places Compilation Price:

Higher Education Institutions & Government Agency DVD | $139.00
K-12 & Public Libraries DVD | $79.00
Home Video DVD License – Restrictions Apply | $20.00



Muslim Voices of Philadelphia is a community history project exploring the long history of a diverse array of Muslim communities in the region. Members of mosques, masjids, schools, cultural centers, and other Muslim groups combine archival research, ethnography, oral history, and digital media to form a clear and expansive picture of the rich history of Islam in Philadelphia. This DVD features 11 films.


Films Included In The Compilation:

Maidservants of Allah: Muslim Women in Perspective by Lajna Ima’illah (the women’s auxiliary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community) (2014)
Through personal stories of Muslim women in Lajna Ima’illah, the web series Maidservants of Allah dispels common misconceptions of Islam by foregrounding its true beauty (00:15:00). Read more
Keeping the Faith by the Islamic Cultural Preservation and Information Council, with Scribe Video Center (Precious Places Vol. 3, 2007) 
West Philadelphia’s African-American Muslim heritage stretches back at least to 1949, with the establishment of the International Muslim Brotherhood. Founded by a North Carolina-born Baptist preacher who converted to Islam and, in turn, converted his entire congregation, the Brotherhood has long been a pillar for Muslims in the neighborhood. Keeping the Faith portrays the deep historical roots of the African-American Muslim community on Lancaster Avenue. (00:10:00)
Roots of Islam: The Philadelphia Masjid by Scribe Video Center
This short piece features voices of Philadelphia Muslims describing their family background as scenes of prayer are observed. (00:03:00) 

Film Stills: