We Are All In This Together

Produced by: 
The Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services (COMHAR)

Individual Film Price:

Higher Education Institutions & Government Agency DVD | $49.95
K-12 & Public Libraries DVD | $49.95
Home Video DVD License – Restrictions Apply | $5.95



Community Visions Compilation Price:

This video is available for purchase as part of a Community Visions Vol. 2 compilation DVD.

Higher Education Institutions & Government Agency DVD | $139.00
K-12 & Public Libraries DVD | $79.00
Home Video DVD License – Restrictions Apply | $20.00



Scribe Video Center Program:

The Community Visions program teaches documentary video-making skills to members of community organizations in Philadelphia, Chester and Camden (NJ). A powerful way to document community concerns, celebrate cultural diversity, and comment on the human condition, Community Visions is a part of Scribe’s mission to explore, develop and advance the use of video, film, audio and interactive technology as artistic tools and as tools for progressive social change.


Project Facilitator: Sharon Mullally


Film Summary:

In the United States, 1 in 5 people suffer from mental illness at one point in their life and another 7.5 million people are mentally retarded. Until the 1970's, many of those with the greatest needs were housed in government institutions. But when those institutions were slowly closed due to either inhumane conditions or new governmental funding priorities, many found themselves in living in group homes or with their loving, but often ill-equipped families.

For over three decades, COMHAR has provided services to mentally ill individuals and their friends and families in Philadelphia's Kensington, Fishtown and Port Richmond neighborhoods. In this tape, four COMHAR clients tell of their challenges and how they've become more independent with able assistance from this vital community mental health program. Staffed solely by professionals and volunteers who live as well as work in the neighborhood, COMHAR helps its clients navigate the daunting peaks and valleys of everyday life, whether its going to a long overdue "prom", learning how to calibrate medications or running a household.

Founded in 1975, Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services (COMHAR) helps people of all ages and cultures in the community who have developmental disabilities, mental health concerns, physical limitations and other challenges. Though this video focuses on a COMHAR branch serving three North Philadelphia neighborhoods, COMHAR provides assistance at home and a broad array of services at multiple COMHAR locations throughout Greater Philadelphia and lower Montgomery County.



February 5, 1993 | "Premiere of New Community Programs," Scoop U.S.A.
February 8, 1993 | "Expressing Themselves," The Philadelphia Inquirer


Public Screenings, Broadcasts and Festivals: 

February 10, 1993 | Community Visions premiere at Neighborhood Film/Video Project at International House (Philadelphia, PA)